Saturday, May 3, 2014

Smoke Photography, Hawaii 50

I've never attempted smoke Photography. This was my first experiment. I'll explain how I got these images in case you want to give it a shot.

   I used a Canon 7D to capture the image because I wanted to use a Sigma 17-70mm macro so I could get in close to the smoke. You can really use anything with manual settings.

   This is best done in a lower light situation. I got these images about 30 minutes after sunset.
   The key element to capturing the smoke is to have a complete black background. I used the black side of a reflector, black paper works as well.
   With a light source aimed directly at the smoke. Use a piece of cardboard to block any light spilling onto your background. I used a speed flash, but any light source works, flash light or whatever you have.
   I used mosquito punks as my smoke, incense or blown out candle work well too.

   This is your basic none complicated version. This is not "professional", but a great start.
   The drawing however very technical very professional. Enjoy the blue prints.
   You could take the project even further with extra lights. Try different things to burn, put motion in the air to shape the smoke. You could also bring it into Photoshop and use a gradient map.
   The blue tint in the photos may be the actual mosquito repellant, more likely the auto white balance calibration in the camera correcting for the flash.

Thanks for checking out my first how to. If anyone tries this I'd love to see your results. You can post them to me on my Facebook page.


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